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All Natural Honey - SOLD OUT!

From our hives to your table

All of our honey comes from beehives in our backyard! Most honey found in stores has been pasteurized and highly filtered which removes all the natural pollen and breaks down the beneficial the enzymes and antioxidants. Our goal was for our honey to go from hive to table with as little manipulation as possible. Our Flow Hives facilitate this perfectly. The honey flows out of the hives, through a strainer, and right into the settling container we use to bottle the honey! Check out our FAQ for more details on our honey collection and bottling process. Our honey is minimally processed to keep it as close to nature as possible.

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Creamed Honey

Sweet honey that spreads like butter!

Creamed honey is made by controlling the natural process of honey crystallization. A small amount of creamed honey, known as a starter, is mixed into a batch of uncrystallized honey and gently stirred to combine it. This starts a process called "seeding". The honey is left to seed at optimum temperature, 55°F. The finished product is a smooth, scrumptious spread!

We produced our first batch of creamed honey in 2020. Due to the Covid pandemic, we delayed further production. We will be trialing a batch in the winter of 2023!

Our Products: About

Comb Honey

The perfect companion for every charcuterie board

Comb honey is a product of the hive where the honey is still contained within the wax honeycomb. It is the ultimate hive to table beehive product because it is eaten as produced by the honeybees, without any filtration, processing, or manipulation. Comb honey was originally the only way honey was enjoyed until extraction came along.

Comb honey does demand more rigorous attention to hive management. To minimize human intervention and provide a hive to table product, we use the Hogg Halfcomb production system. We will have 15oz sections of comb honey available August, 2021 for the first time!

Our Products: Products
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